Origins of Central Europe

Redaktor: Przemysław Urbańczyk
Origins of Central EuropeOrigins of Central Europe

Informacje bibliograficzne

Tytuł: Origins of Central Europe

Redaktor: Przemysław Urbańczyk
Wydawca: Scientific Society of Polish Archaeologists, Institute of Archaeology and Ethology Polish Academy of Sciences
Miejsce:  Warsaw
Rok wydania: 1997
Język: angielski i niemiecki
Liczba stron: 250
Format: B5
Okładka: miękka
ISBN: 83‐85463‐56‐9


Materiały konferencji poświęconej procesom formowania się we wczesnym średniowieczu na terenie Europy Centralnej struktur socjalnych, politycznych i etnicznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem narodów słowiańskich.

Spis treści

Jacek Banaszkiewicz, Andrzej Buko, Roman Michałowski,Przemysław Urbańczyk, Introduction
Jerzy Kolendo, Central Europe and the Mediterranean World in the lst-5th Centuries A.D
Hansjürgen Brachmann, Tribal Organizations in Central Europe in the 6th-10th Centuries A.D. Reflections on the Ethnic and Political Development in the Second Half of the First Millennium
Przemysław Urbańczyk, Changes of Power Structure During the I st Millennium A.D. in the Northern Part of Central Europe
Herwig Wolfram, The Ethno-Political Entities in the Region of the Upper and Middle Danube in the 6th-9th Centuries A.D
Jerzy Gąssowski, Cult and Authority in Central Europe
Walter Pohl, The Role of the Steppe Peoples in Eastern and Central Europe in the First Millennium A.D
Michał Parczewski, Beginnings of the Slavs' Culture
Hanna Popowska-Taborska, The Slavs in the Early Middle Ages from the Viewpoint of Contemporary Linguistics
Zbigniew Kobyliński, Settlement Structures in Central Europe at the Beginning of the Middle Ages
Christian Lübke, Forms of Political Organisation of the Polabian Slavs (until the 10th Century A.D.)
Zofia Kurnatowska, Territorial Structures in West Poland Prior to the Founding of the State Organization of Mieszko I
Marek Dulinicz, The First Dendrochronological Dating of the Strongholds in Northern Mazovia
Alexander Т. Ruttkay, Großmähren: Anmerkungen zum gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand über die Siedlungs- und sozialökonomischen Strukturen
Peter G. Heather, Frankish Imperialism and Slavic Society
Władysław Duczko, Scandinavians in the Southern Baltic between the 5th and the 10th Centuries A.D
Urszula Lewicka-Rajewska, The Slavs of Central Europe and the Muslim World until the Beginning of the 10th Century in the Light of the Arabie Written Sources
Andrzej Bartczak, Finds of Dirhams in Central Europe Prior to the Beginning of the 10th Century A.D
Marcin Kozub, The Chronology of the Inflow of Byzantine Coins into the Avar Khaganate
Roman Michałowski, Summary of the Duscussion