Vetera et nova, t.2 - Całowanie
Redaktor serii: Zofia Sulgostowska
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The Pękatka Hill of Całowanie, a small sandy mound surrounded by the Całowanie Moor, a large expanse of wetlands filling a Late Glacial fossil Vistula Valley, is a place where artifacts of nearly 40 Final Paleolithic occupation units lay buried in alluvial and dune sands and peat bogs. Most of the units were left by small groups of the Stone Age hunter-gatherers making uncountable and recurrent visits to the same spot, drawn by many attractions of the contiguous areas. The Pękatka Hill preserved a 5000-year long dormant record of their world.
The present book, offered to the gracious readers, attempts to put together all the information gathered during many years of excavations, field and lab work and writing. Changing environments, lithology and the dynamics of sediment deposition on the hill and in the surrounding marshes is quite well mirrored by the functional makeups of flint tool kits and spatial histories of core processing, tool repair, and discard. It also tells us that the seasonality of landscape use and, therefore, camping was the major name of the game in those remote times as well as throughout all of prehistory.
Romuald Schild
Spis treści
Romuald Schild
CHAPTER I. Introduction
Romuald Schild
CHAPTER II. Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, Paleoecology and Radiochronology
Romuald Schild
General Geomorphic Setting and Macro-Stratigraphy. An Overview
CHAPTER III. Archaeological Materials
Romuald Schild, Dagmara Mańka, Halina Królik and Maria Marczak
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Level IVa. Old Tanged Point (OTP) Assemblage
Level IVb. Arch Backed Piece Technocomplex
Level V
Level VI
Levels VII and VIII
CHAPTER IV. Functional Analysis of Selected Flint Assemblages
Małgorzata Winiarska-Kabacińska
Assemblages with Arched Backed Pieces and Endscrapers (Arch Backed Pieces Technocomplex)
The Younger Tanged Point Assemblage
CHAPTER V. Masovian Camp Organization in Cut I as Seen From the Perspective of Lithic Artifacts Refitting
Jan Fiedorczuk
Methods and Results of Refitting
Settlement Structures in Sites of the Masovian Complex Features
Spatial Relationships Between Identified Structures
Structure Systems vs. Occupation Episodes, or the Spatial Organization of Campsite
CHAPTER VI. Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Vegetation History and Use of Plant Foods in the Middle Vistula River Valley at Całowanie
Lucy Kubiak-Martens and Kazimierz Tobolski
Materials and Methods
Interpretation of Pollen Record (L PAZ) and Chronology
Interpretation of Plant Macrofossil Records (L MAZ)
Vegetation History of the Site Area Through the Occupation Phases
Plant Foods in Subsistence of the Site Dwellers
CHAPTER VII. A Synthesis
Romuald Schild
The Place of the Taxonomic Lithic Entities from Całowanie in the Final Paleolithic of Poland
The Pękatka Hill Settlement