Sobiejuchy. A Fortified Site of the Early Iron Age in Poland
Redaktor serii: Romuald Schild
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Oparta na obfitym materiale uzyskanym w trakcie brytyjsko‐polskich badań wykopaliskowych interdyscyplinarna monografia osady z okresu halsztackiego w Sobiejuchach (Pałuki).
Spis treści
List of contents
List of figures
List of plates
List of tables
Preface and acknowledgements
Chapter 1. Introduction
History of research
Landscape and vegetation
Vegetational history
Chapter 2. The Sobiejuchy mesoregion, by Janusz Ostoja-Zagórski
An attempted reconstruction of the natural environment of the mesoregion Settlement changes in the Later Bronze Age (Period III – Ha C/Ha D)
Chapter 3. The excavations of 1983 and 1987–1988
The 1983 season
The 1987 season
The 1988 season
Excavation strategy and recording methods
Description of the excavated features
Chapter 4. The geophysical survey of 1987–1988 and its interpretation
The Central Area
The Southern Area
Chapter 5. The finds
A. Pottery
B. Metal
C. Fired clay
D. Bone and antler
E. Stone
F. Other materials
Chapter 6. Palaeoeconomic and palaeoenvironmental studies: 1. The carbonized macroscopic plant remains, by Carol Palmer
Results: description of the plant remains
Archaeological context
Chapter 7. Palaeoeconomic and palaeoenvironmental studies: 2. Animal bones, by James Rackham
Sampling strategy
The animal bone remains
The animals and their relative importance
The fish, by Alison Locker
Period differences
Animal husbandry
Palaeoenvironmental indicators
Chapter 8. The environmental history of the site
Trenches B2 – B3
Trench E
Chapter 9. Dating
Radiocarbon and luminescence dates
Chapter 10. Interpretation and reconstruction
Population size
Building function
Placed deposits
Environment and economy
Sobiejuchy in its surroundings
Chapter 11. The wider context
Sobiejuchy in the context of developments in Hallstatt C
Fortified sites: decline and fall
Trade, contact, and the Early Iron Age world system
1. Reconstruction of the history of vegetation in the vicinity of Sobiejuchy – preliminary report, by Iwona Okuniewska-Nowaczyk
2. Radiocarbon dating
3. Luminescence dating of pottery from Sobiejuchy, by Sarah Bamett
4. Investigation and X-ray fluorescence analysis of samples of material from Sobiejuchy, by Jennifer Jones
5. Petrological examination of rock samples and thin sections of Sobiejuchy sherds, by David Schofield