Celts on the Margin. Studies in European Cultural Interaction, 7th Century BC – 1 st Century AD
Redaktor: Dobrzańska Halina, Megaw Vincent, Poleska Paulina
Zbiór studiów dedykowany Prof. Zenonowi Woźniakowi. Problematyka tomu obejmuje szeroki zakres tematów związanych z obecnością Celtów w Europie środkowej i południowej.
Spis treści
Bibliography of Zenon Woźniak
Bettina Arnold, Mobile men, sedentary women? Material culture as a marker of regional and supra-regional interaction in Iron Age Europe
Otto-Herman Frey, The human figure in Late Hallstatt and Early La Tène art
Vincent Megaw, Early Celtic art without Scythians? A review
Mitja Guśtin, Celts on the margin of the northern Adriatic
Marko Dizdar, Hrvoje Potrebica, The Late La Tène culture in central Slavonia (Croatia)
Nives Majnarić Pandżić, Investigations into the La Tène period in northern Croatia: 1970-2003
Petar Popovió, '...cum a Scordiscis Dacisque premeretur...'
Nikola Theodossiev, Celtic settlement in north-western Thrace during the late fourth and third centuries BC: Some historical and archaeological notes
Jan Bouzek, Celtic campaigns in southern Thrace and the Tylis kingdom: The Duchcov fibula in Bulgaria and the destruction of Pistiros in 279/8 BC
Julu Emilov, Changing paradigms: Modern interpretations of Celtic raids in Thrace reconsidered
Aurel Rustoiu, The Padea-Panagjurski Kolonii Group in south-western Transylvania (Romania)
Mircea Babeç, The brooch from Horodnica: Dacian, Celtic or Germanic?
Miloś Ćiżmar, Contacts between Moravia and the territory of the Scordisci
Pavel Sankot, Finds of La Tène weapons from Detva, central Slovakia
Marek Olędzki, 'Anarti' and 'Anartophracti': Transcarpathian cultural and settlement relations of the Celts
Károly Tankó, 'Horn-handled' bowls of the Central Europe Iron Age
Maciej Karwowski, The earliest types of eastern-Celtic glass ornaments
Mikhail Treister, La Tène elements in the fine metalwork of the north-western Pontic area in the first century AD: Some characteristic features of ornaments of the Petriki-Porogi type
Marek Bednarek, La Tène settlement in Upper Silesia: An outline
Paulina Poleska, The Celtic settlement microregion in the area near Kraków
Marcin Rudnicki, A Late La Tène inhumation grave from Pełczyska: Comments on the cultural situation in the upland area of Little Poland (with an analysis of the anatomical remains by Karol Piasecki)
Halina Dobrzańska and Jan Piekarczyk, Celtic grey pottery from Poland: thrown or not thrown?