Ethnologia Polona t. 42 (2021)

Redaktorka: Elena Soler
Ethnologia Polona t. 24
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Informacje bibliograficzne

Czasopismo: Ethnologia Polona t. 42 (2021)
Tytuł: Nation-Building and the Dynamics of Silences, Memory and Forgettings in Central Europe

Redaktorki: Agnieszka Halemba (editor-in-chief ), Agata Ładykowska, Helena Patzer
Wydawca: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Miejsce: Warsaw
Rok wydania: 2021
Język: angielski
Liczba stron: 132
Format: 165 x 237 mm
Okładka:  miękka
ISSN:  0137-4079


Od 2007 r. czasopismo zostało sprofilowane tematycznie. Każdy rocznik poświęcony jest osobnym zagadnieniom podejmowanym w polskiej i światowej etnologii oraz antropologii kulturowej i społecznej. W tomie wyodrębniono miejsce na materiały z badań aktualnie prowadzonych przez polskich etnografów/etnologów, tak w kraju jak i poza nim, recenzje książek rodzimych autorów [mające charakter promocyjny] oraz kronikę wydarzeń najważniejszych dla środowiska.


About the Journal

Ethnologia Polona is a peer-reviewed English-language journal focused on cultural/social anthropology and ethnology, but open to other disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. It is published by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The journal was established in 1975.  It has a long tradition of engaging in scholarly debates in Poland, yet it has at present moved beyond this focus, with an aim to provide a more regional and international perspective.

The journal's aim and scope is to serve as a platform for discussions concerning critical issues emerging in anthropology/ethnology in Central-Eastern Europe and beyond. The journal stays close to the empirical, while at the same time being attentive to current theoretical debates in the humanities and social sciences.

Ethnologia Polona is published once a year.

The main part of every issue is thematic; additionally we publish articles on other topics, especially with a methodological focus. We are open to new debates and willingly give space to emerging fields and new themes in anthropology.

Spis treści



Elena Soler – Guest Editor Introduction to the Special Issue: Nation-Building and the Dynamics of Silences, Memory and Forgettings in Central Europe

Karolína Pauknerová, Petr Gibas The Fall of Marshal Konev: Silencing Beyond Post-Socialist Monument Removal(s)

Aimée Joyce Silent Traces and Deserted Places: Materiality and Silence on Poland’s Eastern Border

Anna Malewska-Szałygin Self-Silencing Strategies in Casual Conversations about Politics in Rural Poland

Zdeněk Uherek Undercommunicated Stories in Boundary Building Processes: Successful Romanies in the Czech Republic

László Kürti Strictly Confidential Anthropology: Post-Truth, Secrecy and Silence in Society and Academia in Hungary

Frances Pine, Haldis Haukanes Silences and Secrets of Family, Community and the State

Elena Soler Long-Term “Ethnicized Silences”, Family Secrets and Nation-Building