Spis treści
Przemysław Makarowicz, Marzena Szmyt, Piotr Włodarczak
Mykyta lvanov
Early metallurgy of Ukraine of the Late 5 th -4 th Millennia BC:an outline
Andrii Hawinskyi, Małgorzata Rybicka
Trypillia Culture pottery imports with attributes of the latest phase of theTrypillia Cll stage in the Funnel Beaker Culture settlement Zymne, Western Ukraine
Małgorzata Rybicka, Agnieszka Wacnik. Dalla Pokutta, Piotr Kittel, Daniel Okupny, Dariusz Król,
Agata Sady-Bugajska, Walenty Pankowski, Ghenadie Strbu, Mirosław Makohonienko,Michał Słowińskl
Was Gordine§ti ll-Stinca goala abandoned due to cultural changes or environmental impacts?
The case of the late Trypillia settlement in northern Moldova
Svitlana lvanova
lntrusions of the steppe population into the Balkan-Carpathian region in the early Bronze Age:
factors and factors aspects
Mariia Voitovych
Burials of the Corded Ware culture with ochre in the Upper Dnister region
Jaroslav Peśka
Following the traces of the earliest Corded Ware in Moravia and steppe elements in its content
Dmytro Klosak. Valentin A. Dergaciov, Soenke Szidat, Willy Tinner
New Radiocarbon Dates for the Cri§ Site of Sacarovcal (Moldova)
Vitalii Rud,Olha Zaitseva,Weronika Skrzyniecka,Viktor Kosaklvskyl,Robert Hofmann
Tracing the micro processes of the production and use of ceramic vessels and textile products from the Cucuteni-Trypillia settlements of Bilyi Kamin and Krynychky-Ferma (Ukraine)
Stefan Alexandrov, Piotr Włodarczak
Early Bronze Age Pamukli Bair barrow near Malomirovo and the problem of east-oriented barrow graves in Upper Thrace
Aleksander Kośko, Viktor Klochko, Mikhailo Potupchyk, Piotr Włodarczak, Danuta Zurkiewicz
Yampil barrows
from the fourth and third millennia BC in the light of Polish-Ukrainian investigations 2010-2014
Jan Romaniszyn,Jakub Niebieszczański,Mateusz Cwaliński,Vitalii Rud,lhor Kochkin,
Przemysław Makarowicz
Rediscovering a Middle Bronze Age cemetery-the barrow necropolis in Pidhoroddya.
Marzena Szmyt,Piotr Włodarczak,lwona Hildebrandt-Radke,Mykhailo Potupchyk,
Marcin M. Przybyła, Vitalii Rud, 0leksandr Shelekhan, Anita Szczepanek,Danuta Żurkiewicz, Marcin Ławniczak, Michał Podsiadło
Barrows in theforest-steppe between the Dnister and Southern Bug,Ukraine.lnitial results of comprehensive
lryna Kozyr, Kyrylo Panchenko. 0leksandr Chornyi
Funeral rite in the mound of Scythian time near Vasyne
Beata Polit
Second life of damaged things:Repairing and modifying jewellery from the Crimea in the Sarmatian period
Bartlomiej Szymon Szmoniewski, Aurel Daniel Stanica
From Kyiv to Pereyaslavets (npsoo^apiTĘa).The early medieval stone egg imitations and glazed egg-shaped
rattles from Dobrudja, Romania
Denys Grechko
Western frontier of the Archaic Scythia:typo-chronology vs radiocarbon dating
Natalia Bulyk, Oksana Kutsenyak
Science has lost a very good researcher, but we have lost a dear friend": in memory of
Mykola Mayorchak (1992-2023)
Iryna Lutsyk
Andrii Fylypchuk (1989-2023). ln Memoriam
Serhii Gorbanenko
Archaeology of ukraine during the years of Independence.A brief overiew of the long-awaited publication
Roman Berest, Natalia Bulyk
The historical and cultural heritage of the Bernardine monastery in Dubno
(Review) Vira Hupalo, Bernardynskyi monastyr u Dubni ta funeralna kultura Volynskoi shliakhty
u XVII-pershii polovyni XIX st.(za materialamy arkheo[ohichnykh doslidzhen)[Bernardine
monastery in Dubno and the funerary culture of the Volhynian nobility in the 17 th -the first half
of the 19 th centuries)]. Lviv. 2022: Prostir M, pp. 704