Spis treści
.Austro-Prussian War of 1866, Landscape Archaeology of the Battlefield of Sadowa-Kóniggratz
Matouś Holas
Battlefield of .Ąrchaeology of the First World War in Northeastern Slovakia
Martin Wojtas, ]akub Tesrohlidek, Michaela Priśtakova, Jan Petrik,Martin Fojtik, Jiri Zubalik, Radim Kapavik and Peter Tajkov
Why is Archaeology lnalienable in Learning about the Traces of the Great War in Kozienice Forest and Restoring the Memory of the Forgotten History of a Century Ago?
Angelika Bachanek
The Lviv Archaeological Milieu During World War I
Natalia Bułyk and Roman Berest
Discovery of a German V-2 Rocket Fall Site in the Area of Chodzież, in Greater Poland
Piotr Alagierski, Katarzyna Kuczara-Alagierska and Maciej Sokołowski .
Cracow's Glinik -World War 11 Executions Place, Forgotten over the Years and Restored to the Collective Memory. Preliminary Results of Archaeological-and-Exhumation Research
Krzysztof Tunia
Importance of Particular Groups of Objects in the ldentification of Victims of the Katyn Massacre in the Case of Finds from Kharkiv
Anna Drążkowska
Archaeological Research on the Former KL Auschwitz I and KL Auschwitz lI-Birkenau site
Sylwia Foks, Dariusz Goiński and Błażej Targaczewski
Plastic Artefacts from Archaeological lnvestigations Carried out
at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp Complex in 2015-2022
Wojciech Tabaszewski and Kamila Peschel
Classification and Significance of Material Culture from Archaeological Research of Section Blb of the Former KL Auschwitz II - Birkenau
Paweł Lewicki and Magdalena Mazurkiewicz
If Archaeology is Not Just About the Past. The Landscape of the KL Plaszow Memorial
Kamil Karski and Dawid Kobiałka
Soldiers on the Digs. Archaeological Excavations in Switzerland lnvolving the Deuxieme Division des Chasseurs
Piotr Włodarczak and Urs Leuzinger
The Formation of the Units of the Polish People's Army (1944-1945) in Eastern Poland. The LiDAR Evidence
]akub M. Niebylski, Damian Stefański and Przemysław Wierzbicki
Landscape of Resistance. Traces of the Military Training of the Lithuanian Liberation Army in Plokśtine Forest, Samogitia, Northwestern Lithuania
Gediminas Petrauskas
Laure Fontana, Thierry Aubry (preface)2023 , Les societes de chasseurs de rennes du Paleolithique rćcent en France - Economie, ecologie et cycle annuel du nomdisme.
Magdalena Sudoł-Procyk